Zokkomon is a 2011 Bollywood superhero movie released by Disney. An orphaned boy is sent to live with his greedy and ill-intentioned uncle and attend his miserable school full of abusive staff until one day, he is abandoned and falsely reported as dead in order to claim his inheritance. Eventually, he develops a heroic persona to aid the town's children and put a stop to his uncle's misdeeds.
Just saw Zokkomon on Netflix - This film is worth a watch as it has a decent plot. You'll not be disappointed and you'll get to learn something from this film as well. It's a Reviewed by bobbysing4 / 10A not so great but still OK super hero children film from Disney, using the same idea of Vishal's MAKDEE.Unlike Hollywood, our Indian film Industry doesn't have many production houses backing children films with a decent budget. And the box office result of last few such films surely remains one big reason for that limited interest of Bollywood. So when Disney Films backs up a project made around a Children super hero Zokkomon, then one is bound to expect something great or extraordinary from the world famous pioneers of the genre.But once again the final result comes out to be far less than expected and the present project too is not capable of making any huge storm at the box office. In simple words, the film is not anything great but is not very bad either and is better than many sun-standard projects earlier churned out in the name of children films. Director Satyajit Bhatkal gives the right feel and look to the film along with some good visible production values. But if only he had given more time and stress upon the script, then the film could have been a rage among the kids.In a super-hero film the story is quite obvious that a person will get some super powers and then he will fight with all the cunning people and law breakers out there in a different outfit. But here the first drawback of the movie is that its main story plot borrows heavily from the one we have already seen in a well made children film by Vishal Bhardwaj, MAKDEE. Secondly, it takes too much time to bring in the super hero on the screen which should not be the case in such a film. And lastly though the super-hero sequences have been shot well but still they are not so entertaining or amusing for the kids to have a blast.However, a major and intelligent difference in the film is that the super-kid here doesn't have any illogical super natural powers, but he actually gets all those capabilities from the scientific gadgets designed by the 'Magic Uncle' living in the haunted house. But unfortunately the director doesn't give you any acceptable explanations for the gadgets made and thus they remain very questionable and un- convincing throughout. Further, a children film should essentially have very few but good hummable songs which ZOKKOMON doesn't. Moreover I am also strongly against using any death, dead body or cremation scenes in a children film creating some uneasy situations for the parents.Performance wise, Darsheel Safary perfectly portrays his role of a super-kid and looks confident along with Anupam Kher as always impressive in a double role. In fact many viewers may not even recognize him in his second role of the Magic Uncle. But the conviction with which he performs all his roles is indeed highly appreciable. Manjari Fadnis as Darsheel's Kittu Didi looks fresh and charming on the screen performing well. Tinnu Anand is fine in his routine kind of role and the kids supporting as Darsheel's friends are pleasant and appealing.On the whole, ZOKKOMON does have its own share of weak points and is not anything great offered in the genre of super-hero films. Still looking at its fine production values and good enjoyable performances you can watch it with your kids but preferably after its official DVD release.
Zokkomon Movie 720p
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