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Learn How to Use the Like Facebook Plugin to Grow Your Audience and Reach

The purpose of Facebook plugins varies, considering some of them are for sharing, some of them for building follow counts, and some for showing pictures. Here are some advantages of installing a Facebook plugin in the first place:

Like Facebook Plugin

One of the quickest ways to get the word out about your online products or blog posts is to implement social sharing buttons on your website. This way, users read a blog post, then click on the Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest share buttons to let other people know about it. The Shared Counts plugin allows you to implement this functionality on your own WordPress website.

WP2Social Auto Publish turns your blog post publication into an automated task by linking to your blog and sharing directly to Facebook after publication. The plugin features customizable formats and content options, with tools for changing things like the title and description of your Facebook post.

Live Chat with Messenger Customer Chat is a plugin that connects your WordPress site with Facebook Live Chat. More and more companies are starting to provide customer support through the Facebook chat module (or other chat plugins).

Yoast SEO may not seem like a Facebook plugin to some, but it actually has some excellent features for improving your Facebook posts from WordPress. A big part of the idea behind Yoast is to attract more visitors from SEO organic traffic but also from social networks. It does this by optimizing your posts and ensuring that your content is appealing when shared on Facebook and other networks.

The free version of this plugin is most likely going to work well for most companies. However, in order to get the best Facebook features, you need to upgrade to the premium version. The premium plugin starts at $89 for one site and goes up to around $750 for 10 sites.

The Simple Like Page Plugin functions as a widget, so you can go to the Widgets section on your WordPress dashboard and adjust the settings. The widget has a minimalist style, offering only a few settings for changing the box size and hiding a few elements like the cover photo. This plugin, in particular, is available for free but the developers also have some premium plugins, some of which work well with Simple Like Page Plugin.

In some of the other Facebook sharing plugins, the total share count is accumulated for all of the social networks. Social Warfare breaks it down so that users see exactly how many of those shares were to Facebook or some other networks.

The top social networks are all supported, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Pinterest. You get to choose where the share buttons are placed, such as at the beginning of a post or below the content. You can customize all of the information that goes into the sharing module that goes off to Facebook. For instance, it allows you to modify items like the thumbnail size, custom themes, and text size.

There are plenty of plugins available, but we recommend using WP Like Button. It is compatible with all the best WordPress themes, provides four different responsive button layouts, and can display a Share button along with the Like button.

The Smash Balloon Social Post plugin makes it easy for you to display a Facebook feed on your WordPress site. It offers many customization options to match the look and feel of your site. Also, the Facebook feed is crawlable by search engines, adding SEO value to your site.

This plugin will display your Facebook feed onto your WordPress site, allowing users to share your posts on their own social networks. You can set the color scheme of the plugin to match your website so the content fits naturally.

Social proof is one of the top factors consumers look for when making a decision to do business with a company. What better way to show off your thriving customer base than to display Facebook page likes on your WordPress site?

Busy business owners who prefer to spend time connecting with customers on Facebook will love this plugin because it takes the hassle out of cross-promoting content. This lightweight plugin gives you the functionality you need to lend credibility to your business. After adding the simple shortcode to a page, post, or widget, this plugin is ready to go.

Every marketer and web developer knows that calls-to-action are the keys to gaining new followers and new business. The Social Warfare plugin puts CTAs first with floating share buttons that follow your reader throughout your site. A single click prompts them to share your Facebook post to their own newsfeed.

As content on your blog site gets older, you can even update and republish it onto Facebook with this plugin. A built-in, detailed social media calendar ensures you stay consistent with your cross-promotion so you can work toward your website and social media goals.

Manage, schedule, and share updates from your WordPress website to Facebook with Social Auto Poster. If you manage client accounts or different businesses, this plugin can make cross-promoting content fairly simple.

Marketing agencies and social media marketers benefit from this type of plugin because it makes content promotion across several different accounts less time-consuming than doing so manually. Whether you want to cross-promote to a Facebook page or group, Social Auto Poster can do the job.

Increasing website traffic, Facebook followers, and content engagement are just a few of the many advantages of using a Facebook plugin for your WordPress site. Try one of these plugins to experience the benefits of linking two of your most powerful marketing tools together.

If the Like box won't display content to logged-out users, it's almost certainly because there's a demographic restriction on your page. The API (and social plugins) will only return information about such pages to users who meet the restrictions.

It's most likely that you've not yet published the page, have marked the page as being for users >18, for users in a certain country, or have marked the page as being 'Alcohol related' (which limits it to users of legal drinking age in their country)

If you want something more complex like a feed of your Facebook comments or a calendar of Facebook events, you might need to pay. But otherwise, you should be able to get all of the functionality you need without cracking open your wallet.

Facebook currently boasts 11 of these Social Plugins. While some are definitely more useful than others, these plugins offer some awesome opportunities to amplify your business' social media marketing efforts. Let's cover each of Facebook's Social Plugins, discuss what they are, and show you how you can use them creatively and effectively on your website. (Note: Installation of Facebook's Social Plugins may require some help from your development team.)

What it Is: The Like Button is probably the most common Facebook Social Plugin on the web, and I'm sure you've seen it on other websites and blogs already. The plugin allows users to share pages from your site on their Facebook profile with just one click. It's Facebook's official "share" button for the web.

Marketing Uses: The Like Button is a Facebook plugin staple. Adding it to your website will encourage readers to share your content with their individual networks on Facebook. Doing so will expose your content to potential fans and customers outside of your direct network and expand your reach. Here's a sampling of ideas for where you should add this button:

Marketing Uses: While this plugin, given it's more private applications, won't increase the reach of your content quite as much as the Like Button, it can offer your less public website visitors more sharing options for your content. In addition, if you're already planning on adding a Like Button to your content, you can create a combined button that displays the Like and Send Buttons next to each other on your web page. Use the Send Button anywhere you'd use the Like Button to provide your web visitors with additional sharing options!

Marketing Uses: At first glance, Facebook's Comments Box sounds a lot like the comments feature on your blog, right? But with Facebook's plugin, commenting becomes so much more social, as comments can get published to Facebook and attract even more attention to the page on which the Comments Box resides. Furthermore, the Comments Box can be added to any page on your site, even if it's not a blog. Consider the following places you can add a Comments Box to your website to increase social sharing, leverage transparency, and promote third-party social validation:

What it Is: Facebook's Activity Feed plugin displays the most interesting recent activity taking place on your website. The feed features content users have Liked on your site, content from your site that users have shared on Facebook, and content that users have commented on in a page's Comments Box (if installed).

Marketing Uses: The Activity Feed is a great way for you to feature some of your website's or blog's top content and attract/keep the attention of new visitors to your website. For a first-time visitor, a new site can be daunting. Where should they go? Which content should the check out? Use the Activity Feed to bubble up your top content to engage new visitors right off the bat and showcase your most recently published hits to returning visitors. A great place for this plugin is your blog, but you can also publish it to your homepage to surface your most popular content right off the bat. You can also opt to show recommendations in this plugin, which we'll discuss next. (Note: In order for this plugin to be useful to your visitors, your site needs to be generating a solid amount of traffic from users that take action by Liking, commenting, or sharing.)

Marketing Uses: The Recommendations Plugin provides marketing benefits similar to the Activity Feed, but again, you'll first want to weigh whether or not your website generates enough traffic and social activity before you determine this plugin's worth. A simple test on one of your pages will do the trick to help you identify whether or not the plugin is providing value or not to your site visitors. If you do decide the plugin proves beneficial, consider adding it to your blog to surface content to your visitors they might find particularly useful, leveraging the power of personalization and third-party validation in your marketing. 2ff7e9595c

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