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Division 2 Max Dmg Rolls


In the first four Generations, during the calculation, any operations are carried out on integers internally, such that effectively each division is a truncated integer division (rounding towards zero, cutting off any decimals), and any decimals are cut off after each multiplication operation. From Generation V onward, however, there are three different types of rounding; a simple decimal truncation (also known as flooring), standard rounding, but rounding down at 0.5, and standard rounding, but rounding up at 0.5. If the calculation yields 0, the move will deal 1 HP damage instead (unless Type is equal to 0, in which case damage calculation is skipped entirely); however, in Generation V, a move may deal 0 damage when other is less than 1, because the routine to prevent 0 damage is erroneously performed before applying the other factor.

Division 2 Max Dmg Rolls

McCree's time in the Deadlock Gang came to an end when he and his associates were busted in an Overwatch sting operation. With his expert marksmanship and resourcefulness, he was visited by Gabriel Reyes, the head of Overwatch's Blackwatch covert ops division. Reyes gave him the choice between rotting in a maximum security lockup or joining Blackwatch. McCree chose the latter.[2][13]

Seven years before the present day, Blackwatch and its agents were placed under suspension, as the division came under investigation. This same year, the King's Row Uprising occurred. McCree was present in London, and while there, he reported to Jack Morrison and Reyes on the developing hostage situation on the ground. He signed out as he came under attack by a Null Sector omnic, but took it out. Officially, no Overwatch agents were allowed in England due to the prime minister's orders. When Morrison accused Reyes of breaching protocol, Reyes suggested that McCree was merely there "on vacation."[21]

Roll20 features support for a wide array of dice mechanics. On this page we've compiled a list of all of the different types of dice rolls you can perform. Each type also has an interactive example box where you can make actual rolls using the same roll system that's built in to Roll20 -- a great way to experiment and check to make sure we can support your role playing game system of choice.

For more control over how the dice behave, or to automate processes or math, dice can be rolled in chat. Rolling dice in Roll20 is easy. Just type the /roll command into the text chat box, followed by a formula. In most cases, the formula is the same as the one that's printed in your game's instructions. For example, you might know that to roll an attack roll you need to roll a "D20 plus your attack modifier". In Roll20, you would just type /roll d20+5. If you hit and you need to roll 3d6+2 damage, you would just type /roll 3d6+2. Finally, you can also string multiple rolls together. If you have an attack that does two types of damage, you might do /roll 2d6+5 + d8.

By default, any rolls that you make are seen by everyone in the game with you (including all players). If you want to roll in secret, you can use the /gmroll command to perform a roll that only the GM and the original player who made the roll can see. So if you're the GM, doing a /gmroll will only be visible to you. It's a great way to perform skill checks in secret.

You can use Roll Queries in rolls, macros, abilities, emotes, whispers -- pretty much anywhere in the app. Note that if you use the same exact wording for a Query, Roll20 will only ask for the value the first time it's encountered in the roll. So in this example:

To perform a roll with exploding dice, just add an exclamation point(!) after the number of sides in the formula. For example, /roll 3d6! would roll three d6 dice with exploding re-rolls. You can also define the exploding point for the dice using the greater-than(>) and less-than symbols. For example, /roll 3d6!>4 would explode on any dice greater-than or equal-to 4. /roll 3d6!3 would explode only if a 3 is rolled.

Shadowrun (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the the additional rolls for each dice are added together as a single "roll". To do this, just use two exclamation marks instead of one. So for example to roll 5 d6's, you would do /roll 5d6!!. A common Shadowrun roll would be exploding dice compared to a target number, for example /roll 5d6!!>8 (notice the use of the brackets to show that we don't mean "explode on anything greater than 8", but rather "explode on 6's compounding, then compare to 8 for successes). Even though the target number (8) is higher than the possible roll from a single die, with the compounding exploding rolls a single roll can be infinitely high!

HackMaster (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the the additional rolls for each dice have 1 subtracted from the roll. To do this, add a p after the exclamation mark. So for example to roll 5 d6's, you would do /roll 5d6!p.

Some game systems ask you to roll a large number of dice, and then either drop a certain number of the lowest rolls, or keep only a certain number of the highest rolls. Roll20 supports this type of roll through the d and k commands, respectively.

For example, you might roll 8 d100 dice and only be allowed to keep the top 4 rolls. In Roll20 this would be expressed with /roll 8d100k4. When Roll20 prints the output from that roll, you'll see each individual d100's rolled value, and all but the top 4 rolls will be greyed out. Roll20 will then give you the total of the top 4 rolls. Doing a roll to drop the 3 lowest rolls would be very similar: /roll 8d100d3. Again, the value of each dice rolled will be displayed, with the 3 lowest rolls greyed out.

The d and k commands are shortcuts for the full dl and kh commands. If you need to drop the highest dice use dh and if you need to keep the lowest dice use kl. For example /roll 8d100dh3 would drop the highest three rolls and keep the lowest 5 and /roll 8d100kl3 would keep the lowest three rolls and drop the highest 5.

You can also add modifiers onto your target rolls, and the modifier will be added to each individual dice roll before it is compared to the target number. However, if you're going to do so, it's recommended that you use a group just to make sure the parser fully understands what you want to do. So, /roll 3d6+1

To roll 4 FATE dice, just do /roll 4dF. Roll20 will show you the result of each individual FATE dice roll, then give you the total of all the dice rolls added up together. You can also add a modifier onto the total, with /roll 4dF+1.

Sometimes you may want to perform a series of rolls, and then compare each roll to a common check (like a success roll). Roll20 provides a "grouped rolls" functionality for this purpose. For example, you can roll two different pools of dice, then keep the highest dice roll across any of the pools:

If you separate the rolls inside the group with a comma, then we'll sum each individual dice expression in the group before applying any modifiers. For example, if we change the above example to use a comma, instead of keeping the highest single roll, it will instead keep the highest group total:

Values can also be added or subtracted from the current Initiative shown on the tracker, modifying the &tracker-flag with + or -. If a roll has the + or - on the &tracker-flag, and the Token isn't already on the Turn Tracker, the first roll will behave like if the +/- aren't there. So /roll 1d10+2 &tracker:- would on the first roll create an initiative by rolling 1d10+2, and only on subsequent rolls would it start subtracting the 1d10+2 from the current initiative.

Modifiers that can change the behavior or outcome of dice rolls. Each modifier states which Types Of Dice it can be applied to in parentheses after the modifier name. Rolls can have multiple modifiers applied to a single roll to allow for complex dice expressions.

Exploding dice, also known as "rule of 6" or "rule of 10s" depending on your gaming system, rolls an additional die if the maximum is rolled. If the additional roll is also the maximum number the additional rolls keep on going! The Compare Point can be specified to change the exploding trigger.

Shadowrun (and some other systems, such as 7th Sea and L5R) use a special style of exploding dice where the the additional rolls for each dice are added together as a single "roll". To do this, just use two exclamation marks instead of one. With the compounding exploding rolls a single roll can be infinitely high! The Compare Point can be specified to change the exploding trigger.

HackMaster (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the additional rolls for each dice have 1 subtracted from the roll. To do this, add a p after the exclamation mark. A die can penetrate multiple times but the modifier is only ever -1 to each additional die.

Some game systems ask you to roll a large number of dice, and then either drop a certain number (N) of the lowest rolls, or keep only a certain number (N) of the highest rolls. Roll20 supports this type of roll through the d and k commands, respectively. The optional h/l parameter can either be h to keep or drop the highest N dice or l to keep or drop the lowest N dice. If not specified when keeping rolls the high rolls will be kept and when dropping rolls the low rolls will be dropped.

Mutliple rolls can be perfomed within a group via curly braces using a comma to seperate the sub-roll expressions 3d6+3d4+5, 2d8+4. Grouped Rolls have their own set of Group Modifiers which perform actions across the whole group.

To apply a keep or drop modifier across multiple types of dice wrap the roll in a group. With a single Sub-Roll in the group the keep/drop operation is applied across all rolls. To choose the best or worse roll expression multiple sub-groups can be used. In this case the keep/drop operation is applied to the final result of each subgroup.

This is both for Players and Gamemasters who are just writing their own custom rolls or macros to be used in their game, as well as those who build Character Sheets and are creating/editing Roll Buttons for their sheets. 2ff7e9595c

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